@DeveloperKorzalerke yup. It can be don't with the explosion timer of a rocket, or a detatcher launching something towards the bomb at a specific time.
@IceCraftGaming I'm pretty sure he meant like releasing the bomb and detonating it in mid-air after a while, which is currently impossible to do. (Unless you make some kind of complicated fuselage bomb i guess.
@DeveloperKorzalerke yup. It can be don't with the explosion timer of a rocket, or a detatcher launching something towards the bomb at a specific time.
@IceCraftGaming I'm pretty sure he meant like releasing the bomb and detonating it in mid-air after a while, which is currently impossible to do. (Unless you make some kind of complicated fuselage bomb i guess.
@DeveloperKorzalerke you can with a rocket or detatcher
@DeveloperKorzalerke damn ok
You can connect it to a detacher though, set it high enough and stuff will explode, be that the bomb or you pc/phone.
You mean like time it? Because if so then no you can't.
As did I my comment.
I don't think there is, I believe it has to impact with the ground.
@X99STRIKER di u know how?