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Is there anyone who can help me

1,249 Bobobobob  2.8 years ago

I just need some builds done for a comic like thing on simple planes .com if you want to help please do if so then I will send you some info for what needs to be done and don't worry you will get all the credit for stuff you did

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    1,249 Bobobobob

    Would people be ok if I do a stick figure comic?

    2.8 years ago
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    1,249 Bobobobob

    @KDnotSpy kind of except mines not anime or anything like that so just make different characters like pokemon characters and I also need WWII aviator characters about 15 but they can use the same character model but just need to have different features. I also need some transformer characters Optimus and bumblebee. Oh and some startrek characters I will make the panels I just some people to make the models 2D or 3D which ever ones easier for you, I also need a guy who can put them into the panels and if this doesn't work we will just go to plan B: making actual drawn comic pages and I will give the panels because I can make those. I just want to give a big thanks to everyone who's helping. So thanks for being awesome

    2.8 years ago
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    Comic like thing?
    Im making an Aviation Manga like thing

    2.8 years ago
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    35.4k ThatRat

    Why so many tags none of them actually involve this forem

    2.8 years ago