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Update Suggestion #2: All moving ailerons/canards

23.2k XaFearedSniperx  9.1 years ago

All moving ailerons/canards are another thing I think would be cool if it were in the game. It would help male delta winged planes more maneuverable or any plane really and make building replicas such as the Dassault Rafale or JAS 39 Gripen way easier. Again this is just a suggestion. What do you guys want added in the game?

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    He means wing warping even tho technically that's not how it works lol @NovaTopaz

    9.1 years ago
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    9.1 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    @RyneKuczy I agree, but then again, we can always ask the modders to do the fancy stuf to make that not the case

    9.1 years ago
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    I meant tailerons, sorry I wasn't specific enough. I did not know the technical term. The rotators you said you want would be better than what I want. @NovaTopaz

    9.1 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @RyneKuczy Uhh... Nothing IRL has something like that. I have made it in SP, but it was in an experimental 2-wing plane that didn't work that well(actually one of the planes I uploaded if you look back far enough). tailerons and V-tails and all moving vertical stabilizers though... Actually are around IRL. full moving horizontal and vertical stabilzers have already been made, and a few examples of true tailerons. V-tails, though... I probably have the only example of a working V-tail design, and it's extremely glitchy, to say the least. I mean, instead of asking for what you want, I'd rather want either a rotator with 2 rotational functions at once, or a smaller rotator. Preferably both if at all possible.

    9.1 years ago
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    A smaller rotator is a great idea. I do not know how to glitch rotators and can not mod on mobile.@LightningGamer

    9.1 years ago
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    I meant all moving ailerons as in the wing is the aileron. The reason I wanted these is because the rotator looks a bit bulky and this would make it a little easier.@NovaTopaz

    9.1 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    We already have them. It's called rotators and a structural wing. Also, all moving ailerons? What?

    9.1 years ago