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How can I send a craft from my iPad to my Computer?

200 T1TridentFighter  2.7 years ago

I am a new creator on SimplePlanes. I usually create my builds on my iPad (SimplePlanes Mobile). However, I would like to send this build to my Computer. I would prefer to send it directly rather than making a post to my account and downloading it.

Is there any way I could do this? Thank you!

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    @PlaneFlightX @HuskyDynamics01
    Thanks for the help! I forgot about the unlisted feature (lol), and I'll be doing that soon. Again, thanks!

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    50.3k PlaneFlightX

    If you have a couple, then upload and download them. You can delete them off the site after. If you have, say, a few thousand (like I did when I wanted to remove SP from my old iPad), then I used some third party software which could read my iPad.

    2.7 years ago
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    Having tried figure this out myself in the past...

    The simplest way (by far!) is to just post them as unlisted and redownload them yourself. There are ways to get them directly from iPad to PC, but they generally involve installing third-party software and honestly are much harder to actually work correctly. It's technically possible to do, but much easier and more efficient to just post them as unlisted.

    2.7 years ago