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How to build planes without propulsion??

609 Zethine07  2.8 years ago

Something that baffled me recently looking at the FV-OM 01 Shimmer ( ) , the plane flew lovely , and had a good speed. BUT , Taking a look at its X-ray...

(x-ray image of the shimmer here , use your imagination)

And so it was , my very understanding of SP was distorted , bent and warped to oblivion. How is it possible?? How does a plane fly so well without wings or an engine?
Update : there IS a wing in the shimmer , its just hard to spot. Has some pretty complicated xml

Thinking of making my own , it seems impossible to reverse engineer. Tips? What XML is used? Anything will help

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    609 Zethine07

    @Sadboye12 helooo dont mean to bother , but might i ask how you made the shimmer fly like it does? seems like heavy xml , i want to know more!

    +1 2.8 years ago