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Naming conventions and designations

38.5k LukaIsDevinFather  2.8 years ago

Hello again, a civilian ski-clad aircraft and a Ki-32 (not a real Japanese aircraft) will roll out soon


This is how do I designate aircraft.

'Converse 3B-1-C Cairo'
This means the Converse Airplane Company aircraft is a bomber of first design.


Converse - aircraft manufacturer name
3B- '3' is what kind of bomber is this (will be posted soon. It's a patrol bomber), B means bomber.
1 - Aircraft model being used at any means or purpose
C - Aircraft name initial (note that some manufacturers DOESN'T use this initial. eg. Durin Aeronautical uses 'G' for Gerhardt. Silvanna Air Armory uses 'I' denoting Imperial English Industries and 'N or P' for Sarangani Aircraft Factory denoting 'Nunez and Pacito', both designers.)

Naming convention

Either with a name, armed force assigned name, popular nickname or none.
Narukami Ki-31 Heizou denoting the Heizou name is a fictional character.
Durin model 29-21 Thor denoting the Thor name is a mythological character.

Real life examples for the ones who didn't get the convention system:
McDonell F-2 Banshee, denoting the Banshee name is a mythological character.
AH-64 Apache, the Apache name refers to the group of people living in the Americas.
or even its shape
Vought V-173/F5U Flying Flapjack/Flying Pancake due to its circular wing.

Will come back.

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    @asteroidbook345 I did created my own designation system to prevent any clutter

    And mine's loosely based on the American Navy system of 1924-62

    2.8 years ago
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    It honestly doesn't matter but most countries either have the first 2 letters of the company (Dornier Do-228, Sukhoi Su-17), or do what the US does (F-15, B-24, China's J-10, H-6, Q-5, etc.)

    2.8 years ago