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Reshade experiments and Remaster challenge entry

13.4k Grob0s0VBRa  2.9 years ago

I tried to get into Reshade (lol)
And got a bit of okay'ish presets i guess
So which is best?





Have a bit of WIP

So i decided to remake my good old [Rodentia](aha, link going up, ye, ye, ye, just check profile) plus maybe participate in a challenge hosted by mister Walvis.

But why mess with mechanical things, rebuilding of Krupp-31 or Li-228 would be easier, isn't it?
Well, mechanical builds became a rare sight nowadays (should we let them extinct, hm), especially after this guy left the website. Possibly, my entry would be the only remake of walker among(sus) the others, so kinda why not

Let's get to the build:

1) we now can have a bit more advanced feet structures with ground alignment (or how it should be spelt?) possible , thanks to current angle variable that works well with floppy rotators
2) Oveall shape is kept the same even though it's now an unmanned fighting vehicle that will exist in my (little) universe
3) Armament is kept the same as well. Machine gun + Missiles
4) Top speed and ability to cross terrain much better now
5) It is now 3 times smol
6) Color scheme would be radically different from original (roleplay stuff, yare-yare bullydaze)
7) Why are we still here, just to suffer...
I mean fuselage cutting is cool, much wow

Part Count: 618 Pieces

Performance Cost: 2132 Andrewisms


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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    Yes, interfaces for First and Second (from shoulder) person view are in plans.
    Thanks for response.

    2.9 years ago
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    88.1k Walvis

    @Grob0s0VBRa Lol, that is a good question; I didn't think about drones etc. Not having a cockpit is fine in such a case, but having some kind of first person interface would be cool. (Like a camera view with flight data displayed in a hud, for example.)

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    @Walvis *you have awakened a great evil*
    First of all, apologies for disturbance
    Me and my big buddy brain wonder...
    Is the lack of cockpit is critical for participating in your challenge?
    Cuz i built a drone, an unmanned vehicle...
    And i'm aware that there might be more factors that will render this build as an invalid entry so i listed the things here.
    So that's why you got notification
    *ted shuts*

    2.9 years ago
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    51.0k BeastHunter


    2.9 years ago
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    14.2k Aviator01


    2.9 years ago