I cant upload planes
I says failed to send check internet connection
@TheLatentImage thanks
@WahrscheinlichIch i also tried it very long
@TheLatentImage I thought, i was going mad! Good thing its not me ;-) i've been trying to upload my newest ship for hours now...
There seems to he an issue on the server side of simpleplanes. No planes have been uploaded in the last 6 hours. I'm sure the devs will fix the problem as soon as they can.
@TheLatentImage thanks
@WahrscheinlichIch i also tried it very long
@TheLatentImage I thought, i was going mad! Good thing its not me ;-) i've been trying to upload my newest ship for hours now...
There seems to he an issue on the server side of simpleplanes. No planes have been uploaded in the last 6 hours. I'm sure the devs will fix the problem as soon as they can.