Go to any image hosting sites, select website and email size and then go to choose pictures, press files or photo library then if you have selected a photo then copy the link and paste it on any post but it should be written like this in this format.
Personality I use discord to upload images. Alot easier for access and less work to do but that's just my opinion :))

Go to any image hosting sites, select website and email size and then go to choose pictures, press files or photo library then if you have selected a photo then copy the link and paste it on any post but it should be written like this in this format.
Recommended: postimages.org
Oh and as for links you do it like
[filler text](image link)
I believe a photo that is also a link is like
V already showed em the picture thingy I was just showing them some other stuff they might want to know.
@X99STRIKER not based on this topic bruh
Use post images as a website
Check this out.
You must be Bronze rank in order to do so.
Bur here is the code for it: