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Agriculture stuff, please?

2,260 YeetusDeletus1  2.7 years ago

Why isn’t anybody making any agricultural stuff? There’s so much cool stuff out there in the world of farming. Like some of this stuff:
-John Deere 9RX
-Fendt Ideal
-Steiger series tractors
-Kramer KL 200 (like the one I made)

Crop dusters aren’t the only thing out there guys!

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    @Kangy Yeah.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    17.0k Kangy

    @YeetusDeletus1 yeah agreed
    at least a decent looking model would be do-able

    2.7 years ago
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    @Kangy True. Tractors and stuff often have a lot of organic, hard to re-create shapes, which makes them difficult to build. They also have a lot of complex functions, as you mentioned. But, I still think that there are many talented builders in the community who would be perfectly capable of creating good quality agricultural stuff.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    17.0k Kangy

    it's hard to get working in sp
    i've worked on tractors and half the stuff in them is super complex, i would never be able to get a fully functional tractor working in sp

    +2 2.7 years ago