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New Manoeuvre?

2,260 YeetusDeletus1  2.8 years ago

I was messing around with manually controlled variable pitch propellers on the default tutorial plane and I discovered what I think might be a new manoeuvre. I’ll do my best to describe how to do it here:

First, set your pitch on your props to manual, ensure the range is at 100% (it should be like that by default)

Second, load into the world and throttle up 100% (make sure you’re already in the air)

Next, set your pitch to reverse (propeller pitch, not regular pitch) between the bottom and second-to-bottom notch.

You will now notice you are slowing down rapidly. Eventually, you will begin to nose dive. Fear not, however, because the reverse force on your props will slow you down.

Eventually, the reverse power on your props will stop you completely. This is a critical point in the operation. The reverse pitch should now start pushing you up (the new manoeuvre!)

After about a second of being pushed upwards, set your pitch (prop pitch once again) to almost all the way up (beware of overspeed though) and pitch down (real pitch this time) and continue until you level out.

Now, you’ve essentially done a one-eighty in the coolest way possible (although you’re upside down now.)

Hopefully I did a good job describing it. If you have any questions/comments on this, please leave them in the comments. Enjoy!