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Android Modding Help?

10.0k iiRazor  9.1 years ago

OK, so I have the Samsung galaxy s5 with ES file explorer. I am wondering how to use the file explorer to mod parts, if possible, as I have had people saying you can mod with this file explorer. Any tips or instructions?

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    26.3k Skua


    1) It may be different between phones, but on mine I can pick Internal Storage from the menu on the left in File Explorer.

    2) Should do

    3) An example from one of my planes:

    Part id="2" partType="Fuselage-Body-1" position="0,2.743354,0.7562499"

    FuelTank.State fuel="0" capacity="0"
    Fuselage.State frontScale="2,4" rearScale="2,3.34" offset="0,-0.33,6.5" deadWeight="0" buoyancy="0" fuelPercentage="0"

    That's for a fuselage block. So, to break that down bit by bit:

    • Part id="2" - every part has a number to identify it.

    • partType="Fuselage-Body-1" - this identifies the type of part.

    • position="0,2.743354,0.7562499" rotation="0,0,0" - these define where the part is and how it is rotated.

    • drag="0.1292781,0.1292781,2.755342,2.755342,5.156407,5.156409" - I don't think drag can be changed, because it is reset when you load up the level.

    • materials="0" - the colour.

    • FuelTank.State fuel="0" capacity="0" - how much fuel the part holds. I'm not sure what the difference between these two is, I've never really played with it.

    • Fuselage.State frontScale="2,4" rearScale="2,3.34" offset="0,-0.33,6.5" - the front width and height, back width and height, then the offset, which defines the length, run, and rise.

    • deadWeight="0" buoyancy="0" buoyancy="0" fuelPercentage="0" - pretty obvious

    • cornerTypes="2,1,1,2,2,2,2,2" - 0 is hard, 1 is smooth, 2 is curved.

    9.1 years ago
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    10.0k iiRazor

    @Skua I am very confused...
    1) what category is internal storage in?
    2) will any text editor work?
    3) Is the text in, like, code style?

    9.1 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation

    And on mine its stored in sd local hope it helps

    9.1 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation

    This is exactly what i do and i use the same phone :)

    9.1 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    The files for your planes are most likely in Internal storage\Android\data\com.Jundroo.SimplePlanes\files\AircraftDesigns. They may be elsewhere if you store your files on an SD card. Anyway, find those, then open the one you want to edit in a text editor. Once you're done, save it, then reload the plane in SimplePlanes and your changes will take effect. I recommend backing up any planes you edit, it's easy to break them

    9.1 years ago