Can someone gimme ft code to make turret still connected to same target even there multiple camera in different position? (This is for my b29 turret)
Also for tail of the plane and i looking in front of the plane, the turret ball follows the direction I'm looking and it penetrates the fuselage and I want to make it have a limited angle of direction
but it didn't work
if my english is bad, blame google translate
itu pake rotator itu bukan pake kameranya langsung
@ZeroWithSlashedO iya gw coba kasih kamera 2 malah 1 doang yang bisa nge gerakin turret nya
Oh maksudnya kaya 1 kamera ngarahin terus yang lain ke arah yang sama?
@ZeroWithSlashedO maksudnya ngarah ke target yang sama walaupun kameranya ada lebih dari 1
"connected to the same target" maksudnya apa dah