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I have to take a break..

12.5k Nanta02  2.7 years ago

I’m gonna take a break for a while.
1. I’m going to the university tomorrow
2. My parrots dies
I fed them since they just hatched. They were my children. They were my safe place and a part of my life a part of our family.
Yesterday morning, I just woke up and saw my mom. She was crying. She told me that when she went to water the plants she saw a big snake in my parrots cage. I felt sad but I told myself “I can handle it. It’s okay”. But then I walked over to take a look.
What I thought was a big bird cage with my 2 little birds that will sing when they see me and will jump around to let me take them inside the house and play with them.
But what I saw was so disturbing.
A silent bird cage. No sound and no movement. Just a big snake sitting there with 2 bulges in its body that I knew right away THAT MY PARROTS WERE RIGHT THERE… I broke down and cried. I was in rage and I pull it out without thinking about the danger of holding or touching a snake. I didn’t know if it was poisonous or not. I didn’t think. I pulled it out and smashed it head with a gardening knife. I just want to see my children for the last time. The snake was dead soon after and I cut it open. I was shaking I had the worst feeling in my life. I slowly take them out of the snake. I hugged for the last time. I washed them and dried them. But it’s not the same anymore. I have to let them go. I went to a field behind my village with my dad and we buried them separately. I brokedown again and again. So yeah that is why I want to take a break. Thanks to everyone. Thanks to my mom and dad. Thanks to my friends. Thanks to my friends on discord. Thanks to my girlfriend. Thanks to my 2 lovely little baby birds who cheered my up when I was down. Thanks a lot guys. I love you. Rest In Peace my little ones…

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    Deepest condolences for your loss. I know that loss of life, be it human relatives, or animals, is a painful scenario, especially ones who were so close to you. I hope that you can make it through this loss without it hampering your future. I have to say, from my standpoint, rest assured this is not your fault. There is nothing I can truly say to wash off your sorrow, but you have done the right thing, to cherish them until the end.

    Good luck ahead, especially in uni.

    +4 2.7 years ago
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    16.8k MrGreen

    my condolences, I wish you the best of luck in life

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    6,960 G2

    Sorry to hear that. Must be like loosing a cat or dog.

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    9,499 Tookan

    I send my condolences

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    holy crap

    +5 2.7 years ago
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    41.9k Ren

    I'm so sorry

    +6 2.7 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Good God…

    +6 2.7 years ago
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    12.5k Nanta02

    Thanks to @Johnnyynf @Soll
    And thanks to @MVC for making me realized that I just have to let them go. Thank you guys

    2.7 years ago