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The Eagle and the Viper

859 TheWeebREBORN  2.7 years ago

It was one morning when everything was still... not a peep for miles, a single observer sits with binoculars on a mountain top.

Watching... Waiting...

They are anticipating something to happen that will break the silence, a noise, a movement, anything.

And it's as if this observers prayers are answered when a screech is heard on the horizon, a eagle's screech, prominent and deafening, it no doubt demands attention.

At the same time, under the observers feet, sounds of something slithering through wood works almost as if it had been activated by the eagles screech.

Once the eagle and viper saw eachother, they both closed in. The observer looking in awe, is oblivious to the fight that is about to commence upon these two merging paths.

Closer and closer the two came, and the eagle dives on it's new prey,

and strikes...

It's close, but a miss nonetheless. The eagle comes around for another strike, when almost immediately, the viper seemingly dragged the eagle out of the sky, it was now a matter of energy, the eagle fights and fights the vipers grasp, but the viper wont let go.

Then the eagle fly's into the sky again. But it's not quick enough, and the viper strikes the eagle, with one fatal wound to the wing, the eagle crashes, and is left there for other creatures to fester.

Written by @ThatWeebREBORN
"A detailed depiction of a Eagle's fight to out rate a Viper."