when you see a plane with a title like: bomber WEASELZONE!! please do not yell at them or report them immediately, just comment and say this:
[please read these rules for youtuber planes]...(https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/154790/Rules-for-Building-Planes-for-YouTubers)
(take out the dots in between "planes] and (https:")
@Sirstupid no problem, i got disconnected lol
When I'm on my laptop tomorrow. @Flightsonic
@Sirstupid could you "link" me in the right direction (this isn't exactly my Forte)
Download a text replacement extension (I use the xkcd one) and put in their names. then make it potato. @Flightsonic
@Sirstupid Please PLEASE PLEASE please tell me how do dat, I need that (that name thing)
I know and i support a more accepting community :)
@dsr1aviation I know everyone got a point, I was just hoping for a more positive approach that combines all our ideas together. And also think since YouTubers started it, it's their duty to be more clear about how the rules work here. (If anyone can solve this, it's them) :D
@Equa88 i think everyone is right here but...i do have to say i usually browse the new planes to find good creative users and there seems to be a flood of 'youtuber' planes. It makes it difficult to sift through and find the ones i like. Also on the youtubers side it would be really over whelming with so many people trying to get on their vids. We will see what happens as there is nothing we can do :)
@HellFireKoder and Yeah I get that, people (like you and me) have the freedom to do what makes them feel more comfortable.
@goboygo1 I totally understand your approach man, but I just want people to relax more and enjoy rather than being concerned with what other people do. No intentions to be impolite to your message.
@Equa88 I simply said it was a brilliant idea to replace "weaselzone" with "potato"... I dunno if I can get more calm about that, and I've never posted on anything to do with weaselzone before.
People really should read the short rule list when they first join, but expecting that would be dumber than not reading the rules (everyone has dumb moments, I'm not trying to insult anyone)
@Equa88 i am not trying to bring people down, but trying to encourage the community to deal with them politely and subtly rather than yelling at them.
@goboygo1 @Sirstupid @HellFireKoder Guys please hear me out... I know that people who upload planes for YouTubers are sometimes annoying as hell (I started as one of them myself), but soon I realized that I annoyed the community and I read the rules. You have to know that some people don't know that yet, some people wanna have a good time and some people want to play without any restrictions! Calm down and give new people a chance, you won't die if you see a WeaselZone submission, be the bigger person. This is not fair complaining about trivial matters... soon people will start complaining about "Why this airplane is so ugly?" (imagine Troll Voice), and then you realized that you hurt someone's feeling, even a kid. So to make this short sorry, take a minute (put yourself in their shoes) and you'll notice how unimportant this is from the beginning... just smile :)
@Sirstupid that is the best idea I have heard in ages
@Sirstupid challenge accepted.
@HellFireKoder then I'd follow them immediately.
@Sirstupid that's brilliant!
@goboygo1 he used a plugin for Google chrome that turns "WeaselZone" into "potato", so he no longer sees "weaselzone bomber", he sees "potato bomber"... although, what if someone posts a genuine potato bomber SirStupid?
@Sirstupid uh, what?
I fixed it by using a chrome extension. I turned all of their names into "potato"