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Who has a wiki database of their own aircraft?

38.5k LukaIsDevinFather  2.7 years ago

Yeah. As far as I can type the details on the plane post.

Who uses a wiki platform (and what is it) to show off their aircraft they made or for listing personal collection of their fictional aircraft?

Should have been a click away from the aircraft post.

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    @PlaneFlightX I don't list all aircraft in my profile. Instead I use an application called TiddlyWiki.
    Somewhat functions like a common online encyclopedia.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    50.5k PlaneFlightX

    I sort of have this. It's a list of my "good" planes, the ones with months of work.

    Even better, this. It's an attempt to organize and list all the planes I ever made.

    +1 2.7 years ago