Hi there
So since the last forum post which was 17 days ago I decided to remake the F-14 that I was making the reason was because I didn't like the shape and it wasn't that good looking so I remade it, this post is mostly about the progress of the new F-14A and the features that will be added
Flight model
So for the past few days I managed to learn a bit about making flight model, I did make a flight model for the last F-14 and the one before that, so I plan to make the flight model of the F-14A as realistic as I can make it I also plan on adding a compressor stall, a roll reversal (I think that actually happens to the F-14) and a few other stuff such as realistic acceleration, realistic climb rate, turn rate etc etc
So I plan adding as I said in the beginning a compressor stall which I think could be a bit simple if I manage to learn a bit of funky trees, I also plan to add doors on the side of the nose so you could see the gun, the ammo barrel (I think thats what its called) and other stuff, I also plan to make different liveries the main livery being the VF-1 Wolfpack the second one being a grey VF-1 the third one being the Top Gun livery the Maverick and Goose one and then a fourth one which will just be a plain grey painted F-14A, I also plan to make a semi-realistic engine startup (without the ground power thing cause my smol bren cam't do thet) and with separate engine throttles I also plan to add wing flex to the main wings just for looks, I also plan to add intake ramps also just for looks
loadout plans
I also plan on having the same type of load out as my F-14D with 4x aim-54 in the middle, 2x aim-7 and 2x aim-9 on the sides
Some more stuff
As of now I plan on working on the landing gear bays and the doors on the side of the nose then adding the landing gear then making the flight model then the interior and then the livery
Huge thanks to @Krmo and @OllielebananiaCFSP for taking screenshots, Feel free to give me suggestions, anyways bye
Huge thanks to @Krmo and @OllielebananiaCFSP for taking screenshots
@Krmo Would you mind if I have your discord and take screenshots for me?
@Krmo oooooooooohhhhhhhhh
instant T
@MrShenanigansSP aw they look good tho
@Phox thanks, although i plan on redoing the wings
This looks amazing
@KDnotSpy ah ok
@MrShenanigansSP Nah the late A models dont have any glove vanes
Only the crappy early models have them
@natemomog I think its one of Krmo's mod maps that he didn't upload idk
what's the map in the background?
@KDnotSpy oh, I didn't know that i thought their only removed in the B model
@MrShenanigansSP Ummm
Glove vanes are removed in the late models
Classic loadou
@BeastHunter ah yes forgot about that I also plan on adding that
Glove vanes?
The amount of Tomcats in the website is terrifying