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(Tutorial) The Basics Of Creating Digital Flight Displays Using Text Labels:

28.0k TheFlightGuySP  2.7 years ago

Text Data Values:
<size=number%> (The size of the text as a percentage.)
<align="text"> (The alignment of the text on the label. I only know of 3 inputs for this: center, left, and right.)
<pos=number%> (The horizontal position of the text as a percentage. If alignment is center, then 0% for this value is the center of the label.)
<alpha=#number or FF> (The opacity of the text as a number, or FF for 100% opacity.)
<width=number%> (The width of the text as a percentage.)
This is not the complete list of values.

How To Use:
To put in variable data, your data values need to be surrounded by {} brackets. For example: {VTOL}. You can also put in expressions, such as: {round(VTOL)}.
If you want some non-variable text before the variable text (perhaps for an airspeed indicator), just leave some text outside the brackets. TAS: {round(TAS)}m/s will show the text TAS: and then a space after it, then display your true airspeed (rounded to the nearest integer) in meters per second, followed by m/s just so the pilot knows what units they are looking at. Additionally, putting ;#0.0 after a data value such as AngleOfAttack will show the data in a number-decimal-number format. This can also be done with ;#0.00 or however many zeros you need.

But what if you need to change the position or size of a text? All you need to do is use the text values listed above, and place them outside the data brackets. For example: "<size=75%><pos=10%>TAS: {round(TAS)}m/s".
You can change the opacity of the text by placing an alpha value like the one listed above. If you want alpha at its maximum, put FF instead of a number.

Do some experimentation with this information, mess around with the values, and figure out what works. There are many more possibilities than what is shown here.

Thoughts or suggestions? Let me know!

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    1,115 VeryPlain

    @TheFlightGuySP can you change languages on labels?

    4 months ago
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    ● and ○ work, but ◯ shows a hollow square instead.
    On a similar note, do you know if there is any way to make labels disappear via glass for reflex sights?

    +2 6 months ago
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    @CallsignGizmo You could try copy+pasting some of these if regular letters aren't working.

    ● ○ ◯

    Note that these special symbols don't always work correctly and just display an error square. I haven't tested any of these recently so I don't know if they will work.

    +3 6 months ago
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    Something to make a perfect circle? A hollow one I mean. That would be very useful for gunsights

    6 months ago
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    4,381 Stanmich

    █ full block
    ▄ bottom half
    ▀ top half

    If there's any that should be here too, tell me!!!

    1.4 years ago
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    154 Jandy

    @SemedianIndustries hope its not too late but if its in a label and not a variable you can do an if-then and just have the valueiftrue or valueiffalse as: ""

    1.6 years ago
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    @Jusevs Firstly, no, you don't put {} brackets around a value if the whole expression is already stored in {} brackets. The entire expression needs to be stored within a single pair of brackets, otherwise it's going to display parts of the expression as non-variable text.

    Secondly, after doing some testing, I found that the label input was trying to convert a string-type value into a single-type value, displayed as Cannot convert type System.String to System.Single in the developer console. I did some more testing with variables and expressions but continued encountering errors.

    I know a decent bit about Funky Trees but not much about VR interactable parts. I'd recommend asking someone who has more experience with VR parts than I do. I'm sure they would have some helpful advice.

    One more thing: when in doubt, check the developer console. It can help a lot for debugging.

    1.7 years ago
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    870 Polarity

    @TheFlightGuySP I tried it on a new aircraft just to make sure, but it just shows nothing even with dev console showing RCMFD was 1 it was just blank. The data value needs to be in brackets and so does RCMFD making it inevitable for it to be repeated
    I have it here

    1.7 years ago
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    @Jusevs {RCMFD>=1 ? Trim : " "}
    Copy and paste this into the text label.
    The code brackets shouldn't be repeated. If you want to put more complex expressions in the text field you can put () brackets instead of {} brackets.

    1.7 years ago
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    870 Polarity

    @TheFlightGuySP Like this?
    {RCMFD >=1 ? {Trim} : ""}
    it shows the trim but the switch doesn't work. the label just shows:
    {RCMFD >= 1 ? 0 : " "}
    And cant be turned off by the switch.

    1.7 years ago
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    @Jusevs Remove the quote marks around the code brackets.

    1.7 years ago
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    870 Polarity

    Is there a way to make a switch show a data value when activated? I tried:

    {RCMFD >=1 ? "{Trim}" : ""}

    You cant do it because you need brackets for data values and also need them to end it so i dont know what to do. Tried with () and [] but with no success. Please help me

    1.7 years ago
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    132k KSB24

    @TheFlightGuySP Thanks a lot. It worked. These would be very helpful to making car interiors.

    1.7 years ago
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    @KSB24 Sorry for the late response. Been occupied with other things.
    So if I understood that correctly, then the expression should look like this:

    {Activate8=1 ? round(GS*3.6)+"Km/H" : " "}

    I tested this and it seems to work fine. It won't display anything when Activate8 is disabled, but if you want to fix this you can fill that blank space between the second set of quotes with whatever you'd like.

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    132k KSB24

    Everything is easy to understand. But this is what i'm trying to make (using the single part label display the number of GS*3.6 and the letter "Km/h" letter at when Activate8 is 1) is very difficult to find the way how. can you please tell me how?

    1.7 years ago
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    15.0k ChamDel78

    @TheFlightGuySP Thx

    1.8 years ago
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    @ChamDel78 If you want TAS or GS then you can substitute those values in as well.

    1.8 years ago
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    @ChamDel78 IAS: {round(IAS*2.2369362921)}mph
    See if this works.

    1.8 years ago
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    15.0k ChamDel78

    How to make is show mph?

    1.8 years ago
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    @Miata has a full list of XML values and explanations for each.

    1.8 years ago
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    @Miata Fuel: {round(Fuel)*100}% should work (it shows the fuel as a percentage, not as a unit value).

    1.8 years ago
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    1,210 Miata

    @TheFlightGuySP what about showing the amount of fuel?

    1.8 years ago
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    @Miata Multiply the speed value by 3.6 for kp/m and 2.2369362921 for mi/h.

    1.8 years ago
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    1,210 Miata

    Is there a way to show the speed in kmh or mph?

    1.8 years ago
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    @Narona can you shut up and stop "Oooh i recommend this stuff and this stuff this helps me alot, gO vIsIt ScAm.CoM"

    1.8 years ago
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