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I did something today

9,012 MrKtheguy  2.5 years ago


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    3,656 Dathcha

    Why did jundroo the the sea floor so detailed if they wont even let us see it

    2.5 years ago
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    9,012 MrKtheguy

    @Aviator01 Oh yeah, sometimes it will remove the entire map, but one time you will be able to fly around the map, regardless if it is broken. So, attach a camera to a detacher, select the detacher, open XML then increase detacher force to an insane scale, I’d prefer 1 trillion. Now, put the detacher on a block. Make sure it is detached from your aircraft, it will still work btw. Make sure the detacher has an activation group, click it, select the camera, and your plane may or may not be destroyed, it depends. I’m sure it will glitch everything within the entire map.

    +2 2.5 years ago
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    14.2k Aviator01

    How did you do that? I would like to try that for myself.

    2.5 years ago