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7,526 AnarchistAerospaceIndustries  8.7 years ago

I decided to do this out of pure fun, it is a vote which I made, and vote for one out of the 5 choices. It is NOT meant to hurt feelings, simply made out of pure fun.
Vote Here!

Okay if you do not like this, keep your comments to yourself. Don't want crap, I'm not in the mood to see people saying "oh this is dumb we need teamwork" and other crap. Delete it.

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    17.8k jsaret

    @DeezDucks definitely. Clicked on it to see the results. It's 1/3 for each Andrew, Phillip and Kevin. Couldn't bring myself to vote.

    8.7 years ago
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    12.5k Notapier

    Agreed games like this need a team@DeezDucks

    8.7 years ago
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    Mod DeezDucks

    We shouldn't decide which one is the best or our favorite! They all do a stellar job to make the game great for us all! The whole is greater that the sum of it's parts right? xD

    8.7 years ago