When you become a mod, is your account login info shared with all the other mods?
I ask because nearly all the mods have quotes from other mods in their bios.
When you become a mod, is your account login info shared with all the other mods?
I ask because nearly all the mods have quotes from other mods in their bios.
@Rework yeah but I don't want to, have a day.
@DeezDucks can you edit my bio? I’m very curious to see if you actually can lol
@BeastHunter hehehehe
@DeezDucks I just found out what you did after all this time.
@DeezDucks wait, you can edit comments?
Yeah we can - Vincent
@DeezDucks can you edit my parent's marriage back together
Yeah moderators can't obtain any log in details due to legal reasons however they can edit posts that's why when you're a mod it's a huge responsibility for a lot of reasons
The mods could be any one of us.
It could be you.
It could be me.
@BeastHunter yeah exactly!
No, moderators cannot view login information. Moderators are capable of editing bios of any user, not just posts. They decided use said power on their own bios because it is fun. It is unknown when did these quotes start to appear on their bios, but it is speculated to have been there for years, as Seeras’ bio has a large amount of quote edits from other moderators.
@Phoebe oooooh
@BeastHunter so the mods can edit eachother's bios?
No, moderators can edit any post they want...... Like this! -DeezDucks