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[Tutorial #1] Working Floodable Well Deck

28.7k natemomog  2.6 years ago

Tutorial #1: Floodable Well Deck, Rotator Method.

Simplified Diagram:

How would this look like in SP?

note: under the Rotators, DamperMultiplier is mislabeled as InertiaDampener.

In Action:

Demonstrator Build

totally not teasing a ship


High reliability
Low part count


(Will be updated as me and other people find faults. If you find a fault with this method, Tag me and comment)

Why is this better than other methods?

-Piston Method

While used on user Dlamma4's DNS Dalian, one thing I found about the piston method while trying to use it was that pistons are flimsy, especially when you're using them to support an entire ship. Even with Disablebreaking on, the system is still unreliable at best.

-Gyro Method
Some SP Vessels use the Piston Method to flood the stern. While technically needing a minimum of 2 Parts, the Gyro method requires the use of Gyros, which are sometimes unpredictable. Needing to pivot the entire ship on only one part is also quite dangerous.

FT × Engines (Provided by user @V)
By making the whole thing non buoyant and using FT jet engines to set how high the whole thing sits in the water. Here is a formula user @V cooked up, it's untested but its similar to what he has used in an unreleased hovercraft he built.

ActivateV ? (AltitudeAgl < W ? 1 : 0) : (AltitudeAgl < (X-Y*Z) ? 1 : 0)

-V is the desired Activation Group to toggle between normal and flood mode
-Replace W with the Altitude that the cockpit is at when the boat is floating normally
-Replace X with the default altitude that the cockpit is at when the boat is floating normally when in flood mode
-Replace Y with a slider input (VTOL/Trim)
-Replace Z with a multiplyer, Since inputs are between -1 and 1, you need go multiply it to subtract from the base Altitude. I would start with 10 and go up or down from there

V recommends using the really small jet engines with a high engine multiplyer and a low max input (such as a multiplyer of 30 and a max input of 0.15)

This is for the whole boat flooding, if you want to only use one side, only apply this to one side of the ship and replace AltitudeAgl with PitchAngle and the default and desired altitudes with angles instead. (And make one end of the boat buoyant)

This will allow for extreme customization, as you can have everything be changeable in the variable menu, allowing for quick changes in the code without having to edit 40 jet engines for one slight change

Pros: immediate level change with easily adjustable angle, depth, and speed with little to no wobble

Cons: FT is complex and can get laggy, more jet engines are needed to keep the ship level, as if the boat tilts, it turns


1) Flimsy Rotators:
Check and Increase Damper Multiplier on the Rotator, Increase the massScale of the Rotator and Floating Blocks.

2) Blocks Refuse to float
Increase Buoyancy via XML

If there are more problems, leave a comment and I will update this section.

This method is free to use, and no credit is required.

As far as I know, I am the Creator of this method, and am the first one to use it. if you have used it before me, ping me on discord or inform me in the comments, and you will be credited.

Link to the Demonstrator Build

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    7,598 HazeX


    +1 2.6 years ago
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    28.7k natemomog

    @V Updated the forum post

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    38.1k V

    Heres an idea: make the whole thing non buoyant and use FT jet engines to set how high the whole thing sits in the water. Here is a formula I cooked up, it's untested but its similar to what I've used in an unreleased hovercraft I built.
    ActivateV ? (AltitudeAgl < W ? 1 : 0) : (AltitudeAgl < (X-Y*Z) ? 1 : 0)
    Replace V with desired activation group to toggle between normal and flood mode
    Replace W with the Altitude that the cockpit is at when the boat is floating normally
    Replace X with the default altitude that the cockpit is at when the boat is floating normally when in flood mode
    Replace Y with a slider input (VTOL/Trim)
    Replace Z with a multiplyer, Since inputs are between -1 and 1, you need go multiply it to subtract from the base Altitude. I would start with 10 and go up or down from there

    I recommend using the really small jet engines with a high engine multiplyer and a low max input (such as a multiplyer of 30 and a max input of 0.15)
    This is for the whole boat flooding, if you want to only use one side, only apply this to one side of the ship and replace AltitudeAgl with PitchAngle and the default and desired altitudes with angles instead. (And make one end of the boat buoyant)
    This will allow for extreme customization, as you can have everything be changeable in the variable menu, allowing for quick changes in the code without having to edit 40 jet engines for one slight change
    Pros: immediate level change with easily adjustable angle, depth, and speed with little to no wobble
    Cons: FT is complex and can get laggy, more jet engines are needed to keep the ship level, as if the boat tilts, it turns

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    26.7k Bryan5


    2.6 years ago
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    50.7k BeastHunter


    +1 2.6 years ago
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    14.2k Aviator01


    +1 2.6 years ago
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    hehehehe lhd Kiev coming in a month or soo

    +1 2.6 years ago