Hey guys!
I've been working on creating a Sea Vixen today, and here's where I've got so far, it's got kind of late where I am, so gonna call it a night! After a bit more work I'll post it to be available to download.
Here's a video of my progress so far : https://youtu.be/Osy0TSPR3kI
Change the inlets at the front. Then it'll look better
@DeezDucks I'll give that a try! :)
@XVIindustries Or adding a very small f block on the other side where the cockpit would be and fiddle with dead weight till you hit a gldilocks zone. works for me on my Stuka and Beaver,
Possibly try and increase drag on one side to compensate @Chuckie
@XVIindustries Thought it was from the assymetric cockpit, unfortunately simpleplanes has no trimming yet :(
Might find a way to fix it when I next have some time to mess with the design again!
Yawning is caused by the aysymetric cockpit, the real one had this problem too, although the pilot could counteract it with trim, in the later models something was used to counteract it but I don't know what that is as I'm not a jet expert :)
Thank you, didn't realise that was a thing...