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[Story] So I came procuring fighter planes

37.6k LukaIsDevinFather  2.4 years ago

[RP, Story]
So in the past strikes out of fifteen aircraft, all were Attila model 2 'Siegfreia', eight were gone after successfully eradicating Japanese Convoy 18. What the survivors knew that the TCF-A needs fighter aircraft cover to decoy ack-ack to bombers and escort the bombers to achieve the main objective.

As we can see, the Collei (Autumn model 15) could fill the role but lacks armour, the force is finding for a well-armored fighter with four guns and provisions for bombs.

Here are the candidates:

Notes thst they would be subject for renovation and will be posted into the CSGA series alongside the United Glider Association 'Eagle' turboprop bomber.

No. Not a challenge.

AnOmalOcaris shOppIng bUrEAu