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JAS-39 Gripen Variants

61.2k NewWorldAerospace  2.7 years ago

Here Is My Questions :
• How Many Gripen Variants ?
• What Is The Difference Between Gripen NG And Gripen E ?
• Are All Gripens STOL ?


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    • are several A, B, C, D, NG(E) and F
    •The gripen NG was the version developed for the Brazilian air force, it is the most modern and because it was the most modern, it was called NG, but yes, the NG and E version are the same
    •Yes, all flus are STOL

    Because of the FX-2 project and because I am a Brazilian passionate about aviation, I know a lot about this plane.

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    @plane634 Thankyou

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    26.7k Bryan5


    +1 2.7 years ago
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    23.9k plane634
    1. There's 7 variants so far, A, B, C, D, NG, E, F
    2. Unsure but I think the NG is a technology demonstrator while the E is a more finalized version of the NG
    3. Yes, it only needed 500 meters of runway to takeoff and 600 meters to land, 400 and 500 with the older A and B models
    +2 2.7 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER


    +1 2.7 years ago