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(TEASER) Modern Racing Legend

64.1k PapaKernels  2.7 years ago

The LMP2 Class in IMSA

With strict regulations the LMP2 class is one that had captured my attention, with the futuristic looking hypercars, and the ease they have going around what ever track they find themselves on. I have made my own based on those strict regulations, and here is the product, an absolutely amazing looking hypercar, that drives just as good as it looks. Tried to add details that are synonymous with most modern lmp2 cars, and I think i succeeded. I think the next race car i'll do for imsa will be an LMDH prototype, which would be pretty sick i think. (Also may have a pikes peak hill climb car in the works as well....)

T or "hypercar" for tag!

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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    but i still think the wheel are proportionally too small

    Pinned 2.7 years ago
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    Pinned 2.7 years ago
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    64.1k PapaKernels

    Also, is it just me or is there slight Paganini vibes for that front end?

    Pinned 2.7 years ago
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    120 Guyy

    @PapaKernels coool

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    64.1k PapaKernels

    @Guyy i technically have 3 Ferraris in the works lol, working on an enzo, 412p, and a logo fuselage art because why not lol, so no new Ferraris for now, but it is definitely on my list!

    2.6 years ago
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    120 Guyy

    Very cool
    But can you build the ferrari f40 next if you can
    If you cant thats ok

    2.6 years ago
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    64.1k PapaKernels

    @Johnnyynf ik, but i Cant get them any smaller with the arch, well... Maybe, ill try something.

    2.7 years ago