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How do I create an aircraft

37.6k LukaIsDevinFather  2.4 years ago

So this forum post shows how AnOmalOcaris (ScarletYanfei or any other things) does create aircraft.

How AnOmalOcaris create

  1. Remember the shape
    Perhaps you want to remember the shape of the aircraft, if it looks like a barrel, if it is thin or plump, or long or short. Make use of fuselage corners too. I largely ignore slicing techniques on fuselages.
  2. Weight distribution
    Fabric and wood = 0.2 - 0.34
    Wood = 0.35 - 0.5
    Plain metal = 1
  3. Health distribution
    Fabric and wood parts should have lower health than metal and ordinary fuselages which has 100. Adding something (about 120-300) means armored fuselage, don't forget the dead weight.
  4. Know the part places
    Know where is the landing gear and its position, the cockpit, the wing position and other miscallenous places that affect the build, physically and cosmetically.
  5. Make use of liftScale
    Useful if craft suffers from heavy nose. Alternative is rotating the horizontal stabilizer by -1, -2 and so on.
  6. Use blueprints and Kaboldy of English Wikipedia are my sources of blueprints. Make sure to use .25 x .25 body fuselages as a ruler, use Wikipedia as a reference.
  7. Simple fuselage wing and EternallDarkness' technique
    Time convinient. Also set the wing to mass=0, drag=0.

What AnOmalOcaris hates on building

  1. Setting the fuselages to mass=0 except for decals and cosmetics
  2. Unli fuel
    It's not realistic. I do personally denounce this technique. Sorry.
    Somewhat self-taught on the UGA glider and the Vought fighter with Vincent's how-to as a reference. It gives me headaches.
  4. Custom control surfaces
    Obvious reasons
  5. Decals
    Unless the IA Image Importer could be mobile-compatible but no. Not possible.
