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How do I build a stealth plane

45 ZetoRGX  2.7 years ago

Hi, the title might sound stupid, but I'm really asking this because I'm stuck at building my first stealth fuselage with double engines, any advice on the method on building it?

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    @ZetoRGX 1. Game settings, tap the settings five times afaik
    2. Y E S

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    45 ZetoRGX

    @AnOmalOcaris thanks, but how do I open the dev console? Also, does fuselage slicing also works?

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    The easiest thing to do is to rotate the fuselage to 45 degrees to make a stealth fuselage.
    However this don't work. Stealth can only be attained by opening the dev console, type //Aircraft>AircraftScript.set evadeLockProbability to 100 or more

    +3 2.7 years ago