So a while back my last device which was an android stoped working meaning I lost all of my in progress builds and more importantly, my sub-assembly’s and mods… The timing couldn’t have been worse either because even if I had bought another android I wouldn’t be able to re-install the railway maps due to game updates. Anyways with all of that aside I am simply looking for someone with the capability to test some of my builds and make sure they are indeed railway map friendly.
Note: I would be more than willing to offer upvotes for your time.
God bless and thank you in advance…
One again any help would be greatly appreciated!
@MRM19 sorry for the late answer but... Yes my old Lg phones also had that problem when we went to turkey a few months ago when it was cold aaaaaand long story short it just starts to glitch out and die but thankfully its still saveable
“Stoped working” = Got yeeted and broken… Also I would just turn itself off sometimes, even before it was dropped… @ThatOneRoadTrainBuilder19
@MRM19 Oh and also how can ur old android device stopped working? Does it just froze and then blacked out or wat?
Lets go do ur mom
@MRM19 Wait r u remastering the gp38 from old railfanethan builds? 😳
Can you tell if maybe the fuel tank is dragging on the ground? @SheriffHackdogMCPE
@MRM19 both
Did you use VTOL or Trim? I seems to move just spawning it in at bandit airport? @SheriffHackdogMCPE
@MRM19 maybe fix the acceleration. The train won't move
Ah thank you, if it’s not to much to ask, I’ve got a GP38 that I’ve been working on and would really appreciate it if you could test out the modifications I made to the trucks. @SheriffHackdogMCPE
Link to unlisted build
@MRM19 I have one.
“if you talk about religion or politics then there is a good chance that your post will be removed. Especially if we feel that it is likely to stir up debate.“ If you really want to get my post removed for saying “God bless” then go right ahead… But maybe, just maybe… You could learn that it’s ok to disagree with people on the internet without throwing a fit… @asteroidbook345
bruh moment, religion? i believe in pidgeons
@MRM19 Again, please keep religion off the site. It’s like one of the main rules
Look, I’m sorry I have offended you. Just know God still loves you… @asteroidbook345
Was going to until I read the sign off. Keep religion and politics off the site.