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welp i need help from y'all, A G A I N .

3,225 JeskoGoesVROOM  2.6 years ago

how do i make it so that a part does a thing when two inputs are pressed at once? essentially, it only activates when both the 1st and 2nd input are given but not when 0 or only 1 is given (i.e. exactly like an AND logic gate, whereas using [input1]+[input2] results in it acting like an OR logic gate)
i know this is possible because i've asked this before, either on my old account, or this account but i've deleted the post, however that was a long time ago and i've already forgotten it

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    the & symbol is looking at your eyes m8

    Pinned 2.6 years ago
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    is "power by max value" that pow thing?

    2.6 years ago
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    it's probably:
    TAS>speed ? Throttle*power by max value : Throttle

    2.6 years ago
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    i see, i guess that "v" thing is an old one then, it was basically the same as IAS but measured in mph since back then that was the only speed unit and we couldnt change what the speed is relative to
    and how do i make it so that the thrust is set to the current throttle value? while also being above a certain speed?

    2.6 years ago
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    also if you're using that alone without the ternary operator, the thrust will always be at 100% and not be set according to throttle or speed

    2.6 years ago
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    m8, it's not v, it's either GS, TAS, and IAS, and also they're using m/s for the base value
    I'm gonna have to ask you to check the pinned "Funky Trees!" forum again

    2.6 years ago
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    basically i want to make a ramjet like thing
    my basic idea using your solution is to have an engine only apply thrust when the speed is lets say over 500 mph (just for convenience/example sake) and when throttle is given.
    this would mean the input is Throttle&v>500, however it doesn't apply thrust at all, no matter how fast i go or how i arrange the two seperate inputs, and bracketing it, e.g. (Throttle)&(v>500) doesn't work either

    2.6 years ago
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    what do you want it to do tho?

    2.6 years ago
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    sorry for late reply but it doesn't work

    2.6 years ago
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    a h y e s
    t h a n k y o u
    i a m s t u p i d

    2.6 years ago