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What makes your device lag?

5,152 Adelweis  2.6 years ago

I want to try make a lot part aircraft, but since im a mobile friendly creator, i afraid it'll become unmobile friendly.
Is it because the amount of part or it's because the size of the aircraft?
What makes a performance cost has high number?

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    23.7k plane634

    Personally, being on an older device (Snapdragon 660, 3gb ram 32gb storage) SP can be heavy to run after 460+ parts, and completely unplayable at 615 or more, other things that lagged the device out are long FT codes, image labels, and XML upscaled parts

    2.6 years ago
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    Part count doesn't really matter, although around 700 parts is mobile friendly, 800 parts is also mobile friendly even if the download button is yellow
    Size matters a bit, if I make an aircraft 8x larger than 1:1 scale it lags a bit but in the designer it will lag a ton because of how big it is
    Performance cost gets higher if you add more parts, fuselage pieces are 2.4, hinge rotators are 19.5 I think, the performance cost for a mobile friendly craft is I believe 4000-5000, other people might be able to handle more
    Edit: as a previous comment the wheels does have a high performance cost, the labels not that much although if it has lots of codes in it it will lag the game a bit

    2.6 years ago
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    My max on a android is 3600 parts with medium lag (still playable though)

    2.6 years ago
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    Anything made by Jamesplanesii...

    2.6 years ago
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    yeah it's mostly part count, size is much less of a concern
    however, the one that really lags is labels being used as images, those will absolutely shred your FPS
    it should also be noted that all 3 helicopter engines, as well as the BFE150 (afterburning jet engine) have rather high performance cost due to their complex animations, so avoid using those if you wanna keep it down. rotators and wheels also have a decent affect on it but nowhere near as much as those engines.

    2.6 years ago
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    @Adelweis Device hardware (RAM, CPU, GPU...)

    2.6 years ago
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    @AnOmalOcaris dont forgot the FT spices, it adds up the weight

    2.6 years ago
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    5,152 Adelweis

    @AnOmalOcaris what is hardware?

    2.6 years ago
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    Drag, craft size, hardware and performance cost are the causes of lag

    2.6 years ago