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I have some suggestions

2,981 USELESS111MINION  2.4 years ago

Since we have re-fueling in mid air we should add re-fuel on land and sea. Like AI's that comes to you and re-fuel you're ship, plane, car any vehicles..

Adding custom sound effects
Example you're jet in going down fast it should be beep beeping or you're ship is about to crash on land

Activation groups
Maybe adding 2 more activation groups might help

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    A little fuel tank on the airport would be nice for both the ground and air vehicles

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    23.1k KudaOni

    I agree but for the third one.. how are PC players gonna activate the other 3 activation groups?

    2.4 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Yes yes no.

    2.4 years ago