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VR joystick throttle?

150 Bwad34  2.5 years ago

I’m creating an ultralight trike for VR and I am trying to make it so when you squeeze the trigger on the joystick it increases throttle and when you let go it decreases throttle. I cant do mods since I am on IOS but I can do the xml mod that is now built in. If anyone has some information on if this is even possible I would greatly appreciate!

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    150 Bwad34

    @TheCommentaryGuy well the thing is that both hands are being used on the handle bars like a hang glider so using a throttle requires you to look down to grab the throttle and by the time it’s adjusted you’re already falling out of the sky

    2.5 years ago
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    Just do use the fighter throttle

    2.5 years ago