[WIP] Fictional MiG-21MU-F "Strikelash" (Two Seater Fighter Variant)
This is my first aircraft in over 4 years, its a major leap forward for me compared to my old designs that I made as a cringe 11 year old, I'm not sure when it will be done, if you want to be notified of its release then just type T down below, I may make one last update post before release, but its unlikely!
Hope you enjoy the screenshots.
Modernized MiG-21 with a more modern cockpit and other modern aspects, custom gear too!
Cockpit is being worked on everyday and constantly updated, hopefully I can make the displays look better soon.
Radar credit: @Striderxxl
R-60K (placeholder) Missiles (Custom Model will be developed)
R-60s pull hard!
So far around 7 hours has went into my design, if you really want to check out my profile to see the leap in design, I have not played since 2017-2018 and again is my first design since 2016-2017!
@tromp33 you can just look on my profile and look at my posts i made back in 2016, though not my first posts ever, as i had an account as far back as jan 2015
Can you share more about the improvements and advancements you have made in your design since your last project in 2016-2017?
@Mousewithamachinegun123 Now, yes.
That’s as old as you are!
Wow you really did take a 6-year hiatus