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Funky Trees

15 DrewPWinner  2.6 years ago

Hello fellow players, I need help with some programing please. I want my gyroscope to deactivate at a 60 degree climb through a full 90 degree climb all the way to an inverted 60 degree and activate otherwise. I would like it to activate on 5 so I could mix some other flight controls to activate on 5.

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    @TheFlightGuySP Thank you very much!!!!

    2.6 years ago
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    @V It works!!! Awesome thank you

    2.6 years ago
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    38.2k V

    Set activation group to (Activate5&PitchAngle<60)|(Activate5&PitchAngle>90)
    I have tested it, it does work

    2.6 years ago
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    You could try: Activate5=(1)&(PitchAngle>60 | PitchAngle<-60) ? 1 : 0
    However, I'm not sure if the gyroscope will accept this as an activation group (some parts don't accept expressions as activation groups).
    I also haven't tested this code, but if the gyroscope will accept expressions as activation groups, then the code should theoretically work.

    2.6 years ago