:The Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) is a visual system next to the touch-point on a runway. The purpose of the system is to lead a plane in correct approach. The PAPI creates ray of light which gives pilot information about his actual height.——wikipedia
Almost the same effect can be achieved by placing plates with different angles and colors
No script required
(It's just an idea, maybe have some wrong!!!!)
Some ideas about Papi lamp in Mod map
36.6k factorization20
2.4 years ago
Y o u C a n A l w a y s G o A r o u n d
@MrSilverWolf 'red over red'
Reminds of the song 'you can always go around'
Saw in the pictures and felt I must say, they don’t all show red at once unless you are way too low, all white means too high, one red three white slightly too high, two white two red, perfect, one white three red, slightly too low, all red, way too low
We have a saying that goes, “Red over Red, must be dead”
There can also be a set 2 and another set of 2 further down the runway, or there can be just 2 of them total
Really nice having papi lights in game
It's looked interesting.If it can come true,it can make airport become more reality and fun.