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website and in-game suggestions

1,092 kyizelma  2.6 years ago

new tags

-bomber hunter
-concep aircraft [ replicas of IRL conceptd never built]
-jumbo jet

other stuff

-abbility to see total download count


in game

-brush tool

-sub assembly type set color pallete thing system

-abbility to add images to your plane( but i do see why SP wouldnt really allow that)

-abbility to see max range in the stats and range flown with a guage

-a Point input, mainly for rotaors when someone wants to make a turret. where you just point with the mouse or just hold down on the screen

sorry there maybe a lot of typos i missed or i just didnt word things right


-a super heavy tag( for heavy transport aircraft)

-abbility to sort out by part count

-duplicate button

-cockpit and no cockpit tags( for if the aircraft has an inside)

-airliner tags (for diffrent airline builds)

-manufactor tags( for the company that made it)

-hole button (makes holes in the fuelsologe)

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    23.1k KudaOni

    an "Animation" tag would also be nice. It can cover crafts that are from an animated nature, like from Japanese anime, Cartoon TV Shows, and others of that similar nature

    +3 2.6 years ago