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Ultralight + Light Sport + Formula 1 + Formula V (feel free to add your own)

79 camero2000  2.5 years ago

I've dedicated this thread for primarily ultralight and light sport aircrafts, as well as similar racing aircrafts (i.e. Formula 1 and Formula V). For those who don't know the last two, Formula 1 Air Racing is a low-end air racing competition using Continental O-200 engines, and Formula V is an even lower end air racing competition around Volkswagen air-cooled engine (a 1.6-litre 65hp conversion, specifically).

I'm starting this thread with a few of these planes that I did on my own. Please feel free to add YOUR similar designs, so people who might enjoy slow & small airplanes could find them here.

Primary preferences for this type of aircrafts are;
* A maximum weight (w/ fuel) of 600 kilograms (650kg if it's seaplane)
* No engine (glider or ornithopter) or one engine (jet engine is allowed)
* One or two seater
* If Formula V, engine power can be no more than 65hp
* If Formula I, empty weight should be more than 500 pounds
* Light sport aircrafts have a speed limit of 120kts CAS in real life, but feel free to break dimensions :D
* Maximum stall speed of 45kts (per light sport rules)
* Can be replicas or fictionals, there's no limits

So, without further ado, I'm starting:

Flying Lizzie (Light Sport)

Ferat FR8 (Ultralight/Light Sport, Europe Spec)

Marley M-5 (Formula V)