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38.5k LukaIsDevinFather  2.6 years ago

A certain Chinese game character, Klee of Yuanshen, notable for her bombs with the size of roughly a kid was spotted near or on aircraft.

Inspired on a certain user, this is it.

Source: Cropped photograph of a screenshot. Video belongs to a Chinese.
Here seen is dat kid and a larger girl standing on the side of the Fairchild.

For those who asked if I'll build it: After Gloster Gambet.

Source: Edited photograph of an artist's rendition of a Superfortress dropping a Mk. 1 bomb
Here seen is Klee's head replacing the Superfortress' stepless cockpit. Note that the clover was used as a roundel.

For those who asked if I'll build it: After Berliner-Joyce P-16.

Besides, I found the blueprints conicidentally and I could now focus on building the basic structure of the aircraft.

Moderators, this has aircraft involved, don't hesitate to judge if it is and if not, yeet it on the trash.
I do not promote any form of child conscription or terrorism or any advocation of hatred and warfare, this should be for fun and it was lore-by-lore based.

"Make planes, not war."