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Suggestions for SimplePlanes

1,171 Star54ilor  2.5 years ago

So I've got some Ideas for SimplePlanes that I'd like to share with you guys and know what y'all think of them

Starting off with No. 1: Better mirroring

So I've come up for a simple yet helpful addition to the mirroring system, Why not install another button along with our 2 already existing "Mirror" and Toggle right side or left side buttons, And Basically what this button will do is that it will give you the ability to mirror parts without selecting a specific type of parts, for example, This button could make mirroring not affect, or ignore cockpit interior parts like gauges, switches etc. on default, and it would also allow you to manually add the type of parts that you don't want to mirror to the list.

Next up is No. 2: Better damage detector

So when you're in a combat mission and take too much damage, you obviously lose the mission, but the thing is that this also recognizes detached parts as destroyed parts, so someone could be trying to make a detailed custom bomb or missile and take it to a mission to destroy enemies, but whenever the custom weapon gets fired they could immediately lose the mission because the game counts this as parts that have been destroyed, Same goes for people trying to make parasite fighters and stuff like that, So maybe we could not count in parts that have been detached using a detacher as parts that got destroyed? Or maybe we can manually select parts that we want the damage detector to ignore, that would really help out a lot.

Next up is No. 3: Semi-Automatic AI spawning

So we all know that in sandbox mode the game only spawns planes capable of flying, have no more than 7 wings and are under 100 parts, which is fair, I mean the AI can't exactly fly advanced planes with too many controls, or at least that's what the game thinks, because some planes that exceed those limits can fly surprisingly well when spawned in manually. So an option in the spawn planes tab/menu to be able to add our list of planes that we want the game to randomly pick one of and spawn it in without us having to spawn the plane in ourselves would give us a wider variety of planes to fly around with, shoot down etc. And it would be quite awesome to see your own creations flying around as well!

No. 4: No day/night cycles

So I personally always like the time to be set to 12:00 AM, but I always have to reset the time to 12:00 AM once in every like maybe 4 rounds, So a button on the game settings tab/menu to stop the day/night cycle would help out a lot.

No. 5: Small rotators fix

So I've been trying to make a small boat with free spinning rotators that spin around quickly with custom blades attached to them to make a waterproof engine, but the thing is, if they rotate too fast the game will get confused and make the boat go backwards, and while maintaining the spinning speed just below the point in which this bug occurs does work, It doesn't when I use fast forward mode

No. 6: Wrong target

So obviously when you attack one of the 2 Destroyers or the USS Beast they'll immediately start throwing fire at you, but if you aggravate a plane while your craft is on, or inside the USS Beast, that aggravated aircraft can also accidentally open fire on the USS Beast, but when that happens the Destroyers attack you even though it wasn't you who attacked, So upgrading the Destroyers to attack specific planes that attack them would be nice, Also I think that spawning aggressive AI with only AIR-TO-GND weapons should attack any ground target it comes across

No. 7: Advanced CoM, CoL, CoT

This one is just a request to give us the ability to copy the coordinates of the center of mass, center of lift and center of thrust to make building VTOL Jets as well as modifying the agility or performance of aircrafts much more easily

No. 8: I- I forgor 💀

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    11.8k MRM19

    I actually really like some of your ideas, especially with the AI spawning… I get tired of seeing the same planes over and over again…

    2.5 years ago