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1,359 FuriousChicken  2.5 years ago

As staskayean president Ragether signed a peace treaty with NPF president Greanin Staskayean AWACS Overlord detected a major ariluim spike,further examination revealed it to be Ariluim 247,a weapon grade isotope.a unidentified aircraft appeared at high speed approaching,the fighter squadron assigned to defend the area,t the fifth tactical air defense squadron “Autumn” maneuvered there planes to engage the intruder,the aircraft identified as the hijacked XF-50 managed to deploy it payload,wiping the city of New Cheyenne of the face of the earth,killing everyone trying to sign the treatise,before wiping out most of “autumn squadron,the two survivors managed to shoot him down,a ground rescue team,while searching the rubble for survivors found and identified him as rogue pilot Lindon “greenwing” merci.a second less eventful peace talk was held five days later.