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3,075 ssenmodnar  2.5 years ago

I've noticed far too many white, bronze, and silver (even a few gold) players copying other players' crafts to try and get a few worthless internet points off it. Excuse my language, but it's really pissing me off. Especially the ones who override the auto credit system. The one that took it too far, in my opinion, was a silver player who goes by "EhtishamKhichi" and the craft they posted, the "KAI-02 Heavy Fighter" with the description "Designed and manufactured by Khichian Aviation Industries". This craft is a DIRECT copy of AWESOMENESS360's "Pfalz D.III". I, being the heartless, cold-mannered individual I am, posted a very polite comment asking them to credit the original creator. Had this person admitted they were wrong and edited the craft to credit said creator, I would have thanked them and moved on. This person instead blocked me and removed my comment. This also was not their first time doing this, as another craft of "theirs" was (I believe) RicardoAs1515's Fokker Dr.I with the lower two sets of wings removed. I normally wouldn't have batted an eye, but I opened the description and they had, again, circumvented the auto-credit systemThat is why I have created a forum to eliminate scum like them from this site. As I mentioned previously, it's just worthless internet points, why do this? It isn't just this player, either. There are countless examples of white and bronze players trying to pass BogdanX's creations off as their own. You get the same amount of points whether or not you have the auto-credit. I think the mods should be much harder on this type of thing. It really gets on my nerves when people don't use basic common sense and courtesy.


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    3,075 ssenmodnar

    @HellFireKoder Thank you, I will be sure to do so in the future

    +2 2.5 years ago
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    I think the mods should be much harder on this type of thing.

    Mods are not all-seeing, they most likely did not see the copy, or were not aware it was a copy.

    Please use the report button, including a link to the original.

    +7 2.5 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    cough excuse me.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    3,075 ssenmodnar

    @FeatherWing mods need to reinforce rules more too

    2.5 years ago
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    23.9k FeatherWing

    Technically, it can be against the rules if it follows Sub-section 3 of the 'Tweaking Airplanes is okay' rule.
    "However, if your variation does not offer any improvements over the existing airplane, then it may be removed."

    2.5 years ago