I’ve been very busy with life lately so I haven’t been able to check the site much. (I haven’t even played SimplePlanes for a couple weeks) but I try to check the site every day or two. I will be able to be more active soon though. I don’t know how long though. So if you tag me and I don’t respond for a day or two that’s why.
About the challenges that have ended recently
I will judge them once I get the time. don’t want you guys to think I’m never gonna judge them so just hang on till I get the time to do it.
@DeveloperKorzalerke this is more about the challenges that ended weeks ago
You don't owe anyone here your time, you shouldn't have to apologize for not being active 24 hours a day.
@MrCarrot well then in your terms
i've been close to dead
@asteroidbook345 I promise I WILL be back
@Kangy I’ve not been very active from r a few weeks
you were gone for 3 days dude
This is the new trend instead of goodbye posts it’s “sorry for not posting in 5 days I’m busy” posts