How do you make a Auto turret with limits?
I see AutoTurrets all the time but they spin 360° which isn't good for a nose or tail gun.
I have a post here that shows what I'm trying to do.
How do you make a Auto turret with limits?
I see AutoTurrets all the time but they spin 360° which isn't good for a nose or tail gun.
I have a post here that shows what I'm trying to do.
Good day/night.
This build contains a link to a spreadsheet that asteroid is talking about.
Most up to date this one is, i guess.
@Type2volkswagen yeah I use it for all my auto turrets
awesome, I'll start digging...
Nagisa/planarialab has a spreadsheet in a forum post where you can make your own code
clamp(TargetHeading, x, y)/360
adjust min and max of the rotator.