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2,954 Sewander  2.6 years ago

On August 11, 1936, in the universe of simple aircraft, in France, a new design and production association SENA was created and registered.

Over the next years, it will create a number of aircraft for the needs of the French Air Force.

Aircraft (to be supplemented)
Click on the name of the aircraft to go to it


A light aircraft with a wide range of options for upgrading to a seaplane and to the needs of the FAF.

SN-1210 Aqua

The next product of the Sena airline, created in 1939 for the needs of the French Navy and Air Force. Is a development of SN-1210that did not find recognition and distribution.

SN-1000 GAAL

The aircraft was developed by Nakajima in collaboration with a French firm Sena in 1938 for use by the Japanese Air Force.The first aircraft entered service in mid-1939.
It has established itself as a reliable and efficient, but heavy and inert machine to drive.Used in assault (bombs and missiles) and torpedo configurations.

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