Yes actually. Unfortunately Volvos are kind of expensive up front and to maintain in the long run. As much as new cars are nice, my goal is to still make the current one at least last to when I graduate university. I can’t imagine driving nearly as much afterwards. @Gro
@BaconAircraft aaah i see. Every few weeks, my bad i misread it. But thats still a lot. Most people i know drive way less (although the netherlands is small). And yes the maintanance of older cars could get pricy, the older it gets the more shit starts to fall apart. Have you considered getting a volvo? 2000 - 2007 or so. Those are really strong, comfortable, reliable and Made for swedish climates so it wont rust that quickly. I have no idea about the newer ones
I should emphasize, every few weeks, not every week. Lol, I would go absolutely insane if I had do that every week. But regardless, these things are reliable as hell, just not so cheap to maintain once it gets to that age. Also corrosion becomes an issue too - we have way too much salt and snow melting solution on the roads in the winter that absolutely chews through metal. @Gro
@BaconAircraft that car sounds like a beast, like it just doesnt want to die. 1100km pee week is a shit ton. I remember when i drove 500km weekly and considered that as "a lot". And ofc, older cars will eventually start showing their age, but it takes a long time for a Subaru to start showing its age (if we ignore the headgasket). And the outback is an impressive car. I bet its also very comfortable for your weekly 1100km trip. Good choice
@Gro Absolutely, my mom has been driving it since I was a kid, and now I still drive it across the province to university and back - a 1100 km round trip every few weeks. Really efficient, and a tough little bugger. Inevitable that its starting to show its age. Once this goes kaput, I'll probably look for an outback - upgrading from a mom's car to a grandma's car lol.
@BaconAircraft oh but a Legacy is a really strong and underrated car. And having a "mom car is more then fine. People call my car a "grandfathers car" lol. And true... Maybe ill need a new car haha
@Gro Subaru Legacy. Nothing fancy. but its status as a mom car keeps the insurance low lol. Also yeah, you can ignore the warning lights, but the next warning you get may be an audio-visual warning...
@FlightFun beautiful cars
My father owns a black S60, and my mother owns a white XC90. (both 2022 models)
Yes actually. Unfortunately Volvos are kind of expensive up front and to maintain in the long run. As much as new cars are nice, my goal is to still make the current one at least last to when I graduate university. I can’t imagine driving nearly as much afterwards. @Gro
@BaconAircraft aaah i see. Every few weeks, my bad i misread it. But thats still a lot. Most people i know drive way less (although the netherlands is small). And yes the maintanance of older cars could get pricy, the older it gets the more shit starts to fall apart. Have you considered getting a volvo? 2000 - 2007 or so. Those are really strong, comfortable, reliable and Made for swedish climates so it wont rust that quickly. I have no idea about the newer ones
I should emphasize, every few weeks, not every week. Lol, I would go absolutely insane if I had do that every week. But regardless, these things are reliable as hell, just not so cheap to maintain once it gets to that age. Also corrosion becomes an issue too - we have way too much salt and snow melting solution on the roads in the winter that absolutely chews through metal. @Gro
@BaconAircraft that car sounds like a beast, like it just doesnt want to die. 1100km pee week is a shit ton. I remember when i drove 500km weekly and considered that as "a lot". And ofc, older cars will eventually start showing their age, but it takes a long time for a Subaru to start showing its age (if we ignore the headgasket). And the outback is an impressive car. I bet its also very comfortable for your weekly 1100km trip. Good choice
@Gro Absolutely, my mom has been driving it since I was a kid, and now I still drive it across the province to university and back - a 1100 km round trip every few weeks. Really efficient, and a tough little bugger. Inevitable that its starting to show its age. Once this goes kaput, I'll probably look for an outback - upgrading from a mom's car to a grandma's car lol.
@BaconAircraft oh but a Legacy is a really strong and underrated car. And having a "mom car is more then fine. People call my car a "grandfathers car" lol. And true... Maybe ill need a new car haha
@Gro Subaru Legacy. Nothing fancy. but its status as a mom car keeps the insurance low lol. Also yeah, you can ignore the warning lights, but the next warning you get may be an audio-visual warning...
@BaconAircraft which car do you own? Mine also isnt in the greatest condition but it keeps on going, as long as you ignore the warning lights lol
@Gro haha. i dont want to make mine when its about to yeet its head gasket to space at any given moment.
@BaconAircraft I have no clue, always wanted to make it but I wasn't skilled enough. And for sure every Swede approves of Volvo hehe
That do be a noice S80
What’s with the trend of people building their cars? Regardless, beautiful model, I’m sure @Vincent approves.
@Gro it basically translates to “Fun with Swedish cars!”
@Kangy nonono, it will be a made up licensplate lol
@TheFlyingHusky i dont speak Swedish? But i would say: cool (idk?) Swedish car. Ty :)
don’t forget the number plate ;)
Kul med svenska bilar, T
@BeastHunter Hey man!