I'm currently in a state where I don't know what replica to build, so I want to know what replicas do you want me to build? Please no difficult ones (like stealth planes), feel free to give me a suggestion and I'll consider it.
I'm currently in a state where I don't know what replica to build, so I want to know what replicas do you want me to build? Please no difficult ones (like stealth planes), feel free to give me a suggestion and I'll consider it.
I'm gonna try building an F/A-18E though, but I still want to see what you guys want me to make.
@Aeralis hm.. k
@X99STRIKER okay, thanks for your suggestion bro
Antonov AN-2.
@Red920 bruh
@IceCraftGaming I suck at it, I asked Sakorsky just to help me.
i challenge you to build the x-35
@Aeralis ever try making your own plane?