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all of my upcoming stuff... almost

3,225 JeskoGoesVROOM  2.5 years ago

i've made quite a lot of stuff while i was on break (so glad that SP and SR2 don't require any internet to play at all, otherwise i would've probably died from boredom), and now it's time to reveal them and some other stuff i've made
these are roughly in order of when they will be posted, but don't be surprised if it turns out different
i've added the partcount and perfcost to some of them but couldn't fit it in larger creations
as with all of my posts, T's won't be taken because i have horrible memory
so yeah, here's the list:

  1. Koenigsegg Jesko replica, attempt 2
  2. Super Offroad vehicle from Hill Climb Racing
  3. Porsche 917 simple replica
  4. Chalid KS4 - a Frankenstein's Monster of Russian and American aircraft components made as a spare time project of an officer who, apart from his rank and gender, asked to remain as anonymous as possible
  5. F-19A Anonymus rework - a strange, somewhat stealthy aircraft with overall a strange shape, the original was made a long time ago and was never posted, but i've posted the original one unlisted here
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    That is a useful, functional, and easily understandable, and thus I would like to thank you for this suggestion. I will adapt to it as soon as I can.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    @JeskoGoesVROOM I understand your current situation as to why you have made your decision, however, I do believe I may have found a reasonable solution to this dilemma and so I propose the following:

    Instead of relying solely on your unfortunately less-than-magnificent memory to write your fellow players' unique identifiers, why not come back to your previously made announcement publications and (by making use of the very convenient "copy and paste" functionality on your cellular device or personal computer) obtain the identifiers from there?

    I shall patiently await your reply to my proposition and sincerely hope you will consider it.
    ~ With my regards, Korzalerke.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    Greetings to you good sir as well. Unfortunately, I am unable to write your online personal identifier in the respective commentary sections these digital creations of both real and fictional vehicles, as due to a malfunction of my brain's hippocampus, I am unable to properly remember the personal identifier of other people. I do not wish to interfere with you wishing to add it to your collection on this virtual entertainment medium, and you may always find these creations in my internet website account's personally uploaded creations section. I wish you a good day too.

    2.5 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    Greetings my good sir! I write this to kindly request that you write my personal identifier (commonly know as an "Username") on the public commentary section of your upcoming publication (advertised here) at the time it is published, so that I may be alerted of it's availability and add it to my ever-growing collection of flying machines on this virtual entertainment medium (known as a "Videogame") named long ago after it's relatively comprehensive and simplified nature when compared with it's real life equivalent. I wish you a good day sir!
    ~ With my regards, Korzalerke.

    2.5 years ago