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F-14A Development Update Part 3

140k BaconEggs  2.5 years ago

it has been a while since i last did a proper update on the tomcat, im sure everyone is still tired of seeing them on the site so anyway have another one lol

up to date

as of right now the build itself is still in its modeling phase. i have a long list of things ive yet to add to it to finish it up that i have been sitting on for some time now. most if not all of my attention has been focused on other builds that have come alongside it (a7, a4, etc), though i am still able to come back to the f14 at any time to get more work done.

the part count sits at 1230 (perf cost 3500) and i expect to reach anywhere around 1800-2000 by the time all construction is done. a lot of these are moving parts- ala slats, all of the flap devices and the gear.

my current focus is learning as much as i can about abusing and cheating the physics of sp to achieve the best possible flight handling, which i am currently extending to the high alpha envelope of other aircraft to learn more about how this works in sp. ive made a few graphs of the lift forces for each wing type (sp wings are pretty bad btw)

current state

a few of the basic moving parts and surfaces are complete, i think i will just leave a bunch of screenshots here instead of typing anything (i am lazy)/

i have a lot of side builds i want to expand out towards (metro iii, tri pacer, p47 & a few more) since i am too impulsive for how long my builds take to make (so this will still take a long time )

any way have a day